What about other STIs and other ways of preventing HIV?
PrEP is one of many strategies we can use to prevent HIV from being passed. Just because we are using PrEP does not mean we can't use other strategies too. Other strategies include things we can do as individuals (get tested and treated for HIV and STIs), with our partners (talk about sexual health, use condoms and/or lube, get tested, support each other in taking PrEP and/or treatment for HIV and/or STIs) and things we can do as a community (providing inclusive sexual health education, and decreasing stigma towards communities most affected by HIV). PrEP works best for those of us who do not always use additional prevention options, whether they are not always available or are not realistic for us.
PrEP does not prevent other STIs from being passed. This is one reason why as part of getting a PrEP prescription, we need to get STI tests regularly, and why we may choose to use condoms and PrEP some or all of the time. Some STIs (like syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia) are curable, and treatment is available for others STIs like herpes.
Stigma towards sex (especially anal sex), injection drug use, and communities most affected by HIV is a major barrier to all HIV prevention methods. Stigma can make it harder for us to access the information and health care we need whether we are living with HIV or if we are HIV-negative, and stigma continues to drive HIV transmission. YouthCO will continue to work to change stigmatizing attitudes that make it hard for all of us to get the health care and information we need.