I've been diagnosed with Hep C
Finding out we have Hep C can feel scary or overwhelming. At YouthCO, we offer peer support for young people living with HIV or Hep C. You can get in touch with us by calling 604-688-1441, or through our Facebook page!
With any new health condition, getting the facts we need can help make it less scary. Check out our Resource page for community resources, websites, and more information, including a peer support phone line, Help4HepBC, which we can reach at 1 888 411 7578. The phone call, support and information are all provided free of charge.
If you’ve just been diagnosed, there are some important things to know:
Hep C is not a terminal illness
One really important thing to remember is that Hep C is a chronic illness, which means it’s something that we will have for a long time. For about 25% of people with Hep C, the virus will go away on its own. By taking care of our livers and health, we can live long healthy lives with Hep C.
There is treatment for Hep C
Treatment for Hep C is the best it has ever been! A health care worker can help us decide what treatment is best for us and how to get started.
There is support
Vancouver, BC, and Canada have programs, support for people living with Hep C. Accessing support groups, peer navigators, recreational programs, and social services can improve our health and help us live well with Hep C. Check out our community resources page for more information.