Taken II: Finding Caesar


When: March 18, 2021 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Where: Zoom

Contact: Jessica ·

Positive Programs presents Taken II: Finding Caesar created by Escape Manor.

"In your new role at INTERPOL, Detective Sergeant Gariepy has tasked you with discovering the real identity of a crime boss known only as Caesar. Word is Caesar’s people are set to steal a priceless necklace named Andromeda. You must pose as a criminal, climb through the ranks, get close to the boss and prevent that necklace from being stolen. Use your cunning and guile to trick criminals throughout Europe as you push through the ranks!"

We will be connecting on Zoom to get to know each other, create our teams, and jump into this puzzle-solving experience from Escape Manor.


How do I join? 

To participate in this event, please get in touch with Jessica (she, her, hers) by email at [email protected], give us a call (604-688-1441, or 1-855-968-8426), or connect with us on social media! We will follow up and share a quick introduction to our program, and all the details to join the event!

After your RSVP is confirmed, we’ll send you a link to our virtual meeting platform, Zoom.

We will be hosting this event online, using our virtual meeting platform - Zoom. To participate, we will need access to a device connected to the internet with display, sound and mic capabilities like a laptop, desktop with headphones, or a smartphone. The Zoom app is free, and can be downloaded to a phone, computer, or tablet! We can make an account for free or join without an account. 

Is this event accessible for me? 

Contact [email protected] for any questions or access needs we haven't mentioned here, or to make arrangements to borrow a laptop! 

  • We do not need to disclose our HIV or Hep C status to the group to participate. 
  • All participants agree to maintain confidentiality.
  • YouthCO is able to support youth living with HIV and/or Hep C in accessing previously used devices (such as a laptop) and/or data plans to support participation. 
  • Do you have an access need we haven't mentioned? Let us know!