First Directions Creatives Conversations

When: December 15, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
This event is by and for Indigenous youth.
Join the creative team for First Directions 2021! First Directions brings Indigenous youth together from across the province to develop short videos on a theme - this year, our theme is criminalization. Some of the past videos we have made are available online here.
Yúusnewas is looking for Indigenous youth in BC who are artists and creators, from social media platforms to beading to visual art, and anything in between, to join our creative team. This team will be responsible for developing art and social media content for various aspects of First Directions, including developing an image for use on our program tshirt, and for tattoos or buttons for all our program participants. We are also working with youth to share information about the topic of criminailzation on social media.
Indigenous youth who participate in this event will receive a $50 honouraria. Youth will also be paid for art and/or social media content created as part of this project, ranging from $75 to $250, depending on the piece. We will discuss price points before content is submitted.
This is a free event for Indigenous youth between the ages of 14 - 29!
The event will be held over Zoom, an online video meeting platform. Participants will need access to a device with a screen, sound, mic and internet capabilities like a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop to participate. Zoom links will be sent to all participants who let us know you are coming, whether by RSVPing below, or connecting with us on social media.
If you have any questions regarding the event, or if there are ways we can make this event accessible for you please contact Jazzmin via email at [email protected].