Gender Affirming Hep C Prevention & Care
When: March 15, 2019 at 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Foundry Victoria
818 Douglas St
*second floor*
Victoria, BC V8W 2Z7
Google map and directions
Contact: Sarah Chown · · 604-688-1441
We recognize this workshop is taking place on the traditional lands of Lekwungen-speaking peoples, and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples, and the ongoing role of colonization plays in health and social inequities, and limiting our understanding of gender.
Given persistent health and social inequities, trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit youth are often pushed into scenarios of coming into contact with Hep C, including sharing injection equipment for hormones, silicone, or steroids. At the same time, many of the spaces designed to provide Hep C prevention and care unintentionally push these youth out, rather than provide Hep C supports. This project is being funded through the Provincial Health Services Authority HIV & HCV Innovation Fund.
In this workshop, we will explore strategies for better providing gender affirming and trans-inclusive care to our transgender, non-binary and Two-Spirit (TNB2S) clients, patients and Hep C service users. Participants will deepen their understanding of barriers TNB2S youth face in accessing healthcare and support for Hep C prevention, treatment and care, and discuss actionable solutions.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Incorporate gender affirming and trans-inclusive language and terminology in their practice and service provision.
- Identify barriers that trans, Two-spirit and non-binary youth face in accessing healthcare and/or harm reduction services at their practice and articulate strategies for reducing these barriers.
- Describe cissexism and its relationship to Hep C
- Provide accurate harm reduction information and tools to youth navigating cissexism.
YouthCO was founded in 1994 by a group of youth living with HIV, or had a close family member living with HIV. Today, YouthCO continues to be peer-led agency working to reduce the impact of stigma related to HIV and Hep C. We are an organization of young leaders who work to affect meaningful change through peer support, education and community engagement. We strive to foster inclusive communities where youth empower youth to make informed decisions about our own well-being.
This was designed by and will be facilitated by a diverse project team of Trans, Two Spirit and Non-Binary youth from across the province including, Nanaimo, Victoria, Prince Rupert, Kamloops, Vancouver and Burnaby.
This workshops is made possible with the support of funding from the Provincial Health Services Authority, and the Pacific Hep C Network, AIDS Vancouver Island, and The Foundry.
This workshops is made possible with the support of funding from the Provincial Health Services Authority, and the Pacific Hep C Network, AIDS Vancouver Island, and The Foundry.