I want to use drugs safely

YouthCO has a needle exchange and harm reduction program open from 10:00 – 5:00 Monday – Friday. We’ve also got some helpful information about how to prevent HIV and Hep C from being passed, and on using drugs safely.

Safer Injecting

  • Taste before you use
  • Always use with a buddy
  • Use a new needle for each injection
  • It’s not safe to break off the tip of the needle or re-cap it
  • If you haven’t used in a while, reduce your dose
  • Protect yourself and your community – dispose of your equipment safely, preferably in a sharps bin

Safer Snorting

  • Avoid sharing straws or bills
  • Rinse the inside of your nose before and after railing by dabbing your fingers in water and sniffing until you feel water running down the back of your throat
  • After railing, consider applying vitamin E oil to your nostrils to aid in the healing process

Safer Smoking

  • Smoke in a safe space with people that you trust
  • Inhale slowly and exhale immediately – don’t hold it in
  • Know your limits – once you’re high, stop smoking
  • Keep your pipe clean by burning off the residue and then scrubbing it with alcohol swabs
  • Don’t be alarmed by feelings of extreme depression once you’re sober – it’s how your body may be reacting to the drug

I want to have fun without using drugs

  • YouthCO plans social events, dance parties, and movie nights.  Check out our events calendar for more info!
